I'm going to be bringing Pocket Money Loans to Newcastle on the 14th/15th of October as part of The Newbridge Project's Hidden Civil War arts festival.
I'm going to be exhibiting work at The World Transformed festival organised by Momentum and taking place in Liverpool during the Labour Party conference.
#TWT2016 - Four Days of Politics, Art, Music & Culture.
"#TWT2016 is about practising the new politics. We believe in a positive, future oriented approach to changing society. We believe in amplifying unheard, grassroots voices. We believe in broadening the definition of politics to include art, music and spoken word. We believe that politics isabout more than just PMQs and Westminster." - Facebook event
Many thanks to everyone who came to the Pocket Money Loans store at Shangri-La, Glastonbury 2016. Also massive thanks to everyone on the Shangri-La crew, especially Simon Vaughan, Kaye Dunnings, Moses, Willy, and the utterly brilliant Spider. Met some absolutely superb human beings and had an impossibly great time amid the mud and the misery. And of course gigantic super-thanks to everyone on the Pocket Money Loans staff who saved my life and my sanity on several occasions, David Jones, Hannah Logic and Justin Carroll. Smashed it.