JCB and Caterpillar machinery is regularly used to illegally destroy Palestinian homes and villages. Printable version of the poster can be downloaded here.

I designed a new poster for Brandalism's ongoing campaign focusing on HSBC's empty climate promises. Billboard and bus stop posters were installed around the UK by Brandalism and volunteers from other anti-advertising groups. Massive thanks to everyone who put these in the street.
More details about the project on the Brandalism website.
More of my subvertising work here: www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/subvertising
These posters are a follow up to one I made late last year.

The world's largest arms fair, DSEI, which opened in London today, just accidentally retweeted my post about the Royal Navy launching "Become A Suicide Bomber" recruitment ads.
Project details: www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/suicidebomber Fake recruitment website: www.royalnavy.org.uk
Stop the Arms Fair