I have two distinct yet connected problems: I don't have enough money to pay my studio rent next month and I have too many posters of daft drawings clogging up the same studio.
If you would like a poster in exchange of some cash towards my studio rent you can have a meaty 35% discount, just use the code STUDIORENT for 35% off all posters in my shop until 8th August. Click here for the shop.
If you're extra lovely you can back me on Patreon here.

The greetings card industry is out of control, but what better way to celebrate Flying Ant Day than with this official Flying Ant Day greetings card? Available here: https://www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/product-page/happy-flying-ant-day-card If Flying Ant Day has already happened in your area this year, don't worry, you can always buy a card or ten to have ready for next year's celebrations.