I was asked by the Conservatives to design an election poster to set out their #planforbritain, which includes a commitment to first-use of nuclear weapons in whichever war Trump decides we're all going to die in.
Download a printable version of this poster here. It's under a Creative Commons share-alike non-commercial licence. Spread it about and don't forget to register to vote!

The Daily Mail is FURIOUS that JEREMY CORBYN didn't come round my house and stop me drawing this anti-army recruitment comic back in 2013, the same comic that has the full SUPPORT of VETERANS for Peace UK. Even worse, I wrote SICK TWEETS about how Corbyn is GOOD in the PAST WEEK. Scientific proof, if science were even real, that CORBYN HATES TROOPS.
The Sun got hold of it too. I've posted a screen grab below as well as the text from the Mail article if you'd rather not give them ad revenue.
Daily Mail commenters occasionally put the hatred to one side to marvel instead at the nature of time and existence.

Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters have been selling sickening anti-military propaganda labelling soldiers ‘professional murderers’.
A spoof Army recruitment leaflet that joked about ‘free prosthetic limbs!’ was available at a rally next to where the party was signing up new members.
It makes fun of those who have lost loved ones, including the line: ‘For your parents, a free coffin filled to the brim with assorted pieces of soldier in their own gravy.’
A spoof Army recruitment leaflet that joked about ‘free prosthetic limbs!’ was available at a rally next to where the party was signing up new members
It also mocks the Royal British Legion and shows a cartoon of an injured sailor who has lost his arms and has a disfigured face.
The sale of the offensive booklet at a festival organised by supporters of Mr Corbyn comes as the Labour leader is criticised for his threat to scrap the country’s Trident nuclear deterrent.
The 20-page booklet entitled Join the Army: Like Prison But With More Fighting was on sale for £2 at the Take Back Control festival in East London last Saturday.
The event, organised by an offshoot of Mr Corbyn’s Momentum support group, was put on to bring together local activists ‘to the benefit of Labour’s campaigning capacity’.
Piles of ‘Join Labour’ forms and a party banner were on the table next to the stall where the anti-military booklet was sold.
On a page entitled ‘Become a professional murderer. Sign up today’, the booklet says military recruits will: ‘Learn the latest murdering techniques from our skilled instructors.’
It makes fun of those who have lost loved ones, including the line: ‘For your parents, a free coffin filled to the brim with assorted pieces of soldier in their own gravy'
It warns: ‘Caution: Although every effort will be taken to ensure your safety, professional murdering remains a high-risk activity and may result in your own personal murder or accidental death.’
A list of mock military medals shows honours labelled: ‘Threw a grenade really far’, ‘Strangled a man’, ‘Blew up a thing’, ‘Burnt a dog’, ‘Dug a hole’, and ‘Died in a hole’. It adds: ‘Collect points and medal tokens for your best murders. Why go to prison for murder when you can get paid for it instead?’
The Royal British Legion’s poppy logo is shown stained with blood with the words: ‘From this year the poppy is to be replaced with the venus flytrap due to it being a more accurate symbol of war: It smells of death, devours the innocent and consumes flesh.’
A picture of a skull in an Army helmet is captioned: ‘Did somebody say career prospects?’
Another cartoon shows a soldier saying: ‘Nothing quite beats the excitement of lying in a ditch crying for my mother, covered in bits of my best friend’s brain.’
It continues: ‘The Royal Navy’s primary purpose is blowing the teeth, arms and legs off child pirates and drug people.’
The booklet was produced by artist Darren Cullen, who has repeatedly tweeted his support for Mr Corbyn’s election campaign during the past week.
On his website, he describes his comic as: ‘An absurd and potentially offensive satire on military recruitment and the false promises that come with life (and death) in the Army.’
Former Army officer and Tory MP Johnny Mercer said: ‘It’s outrageous that Jeremy Corbyn’s personal campaign group are shamelessly mocking the members of our brave Armed Forces. ‘A collation of chaos led by Jeremy Corbyn would undermine our Armed Forces and refuse to authorise drone strikes on confirmed ISIS terrorists.’
Joe Todd, of Momentum offshoot The World Transformed, which organised the event, said: ‘Darren Cullen’s work on the Armed Forces was done in collaboration with Veterans for Peace who are ex-military service personnel.
‘I’m sure you’d agree that we should support ex-soldiers sharing their experiences.’