I been up all night finishing this nightmare. Britain desperately needs a new operating system. Download large version here and see/download/print all the anti-tory posters I've designed at (the easy to remember) toriesout.co.uk.
Today is the LAST DAY to register to vote! www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
This is going to be part of a fold-out A4 leaflet (PDF) I'll be sending to 20,000 homes in key marginal constituencies. Everything has been sent to print and I've spent more than was donated so if anyone out there is able to chip in towards the cost of shipping these out to volunteers that'd be amazing. Even a couple of quid helps. www.paypal.me/spellingmistakes
And get in touch if you live in or near a marginal seat and fancy dropping some of these through letterboxes over the next two weeks. darren@spellingmistakescostlives.com
If you've already contacted me I'll be in touch soon about details. Thank you!
I spent the last week in Brighton as part of an art residency at CaC Gallery where I made the above rat gallows/cat scratching post and a few other bits and pieces including the below cyanotype blueprints. (No rats were harmed making any of this, they were bought pre-harmed.) Editions of the blueprints can be bought in the shop.