I made this installation for The World Transformed 2017, a politics and arts festival/conference held by Momentum and related groups at the same time as the Labour party conference. This year it is in Brighton and ends on Tuesday. More photos after the jump!
After finishing the installation I ran into this guy in the street.

I also had some of my other anti-Tory election work on display at Fabrica. This one I drew while on the Positive Propaganda artist residency.
All these are still available to download from toriesout.co.uk

These were spotted in Milton Keynes today. Photos via Special Patrol Group. More photos after the jump. Print your own here. And here's a handy guide on how to DIY.
In other news, I've been notified that I'm under investigation by The Electoral Commission ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

More photos of the posters people have been putting up around London over at the Anti-Tory Propaganda page.