As the final part of my artist residency with RRUNews in Liverpool, I've hand-drawn a fun/fear-sized version of the Daily Mail and I'm going to be giving these out for free in Liverpool city centre tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday from these locations:
10:30am-12:30pm St Johns's Shopping Centre
1:30pm-3:30pm Outside News From Nowhere
FRIDAY 10:30am-12:30pm Lord Street
1:30pm-3:30pm Bluecoat Courtyard, Ropewalks Square
Depending on how many I give out I'm also going to look into making the paper available after generally or getting it reprinted. You can read the full thing online here.
Get stickers: www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/metro
The Metro newspaper is owned by the Daily Mail and every copy that’s picked up helps support the UK’s most extreme right-wing publication, (second only to the BNP annual newsletter.) As part of my residency with RRU News I’ve had 2000 of these stickers printed that you can help me add to Metro distribution points around the country. Hopefully these might make some people think twice about picking one up. If you’d like some stickers, they’re free +p&p. Link: www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/metro Help me stink up the Metro brand by showing their readers the extremist organisation behind it. Order as many stickers as you think you can get out there. Thank you! Music by UOKAYE https://www.soundcloud.com/uokaye

The Metro newspaper is owned by the Daily Mail and every copy that’s picked up helps financially support the UK’s most extreme right-wing publication, (second only to the BNP annual newsletter.) As part of my residency with RRU News I’ve had 2000 of these stickers printed that you can help me add to Metro distribution points around the country. Hopefully these might make some people think twice about picking one up. If you’d like some stickers, they’re free +p&p. Get them here.