Some kind souls have been printing out my anti-Tory propaganda and clandestinely installing it on tube trains around London. There are more photos and the files to print your own posters on the project page. Although I cannot condone potentially breaking any laws, I can certainly enjoy looking at photos of such behaviour. If you see any around take a photo and tag me in it (IG @spellingmistakescostlives) or send me an email.

A pro-police propaganda poster I designed for Subvertisers' International and Brandalism's #SubvertTheCity campaign. Available as a limited edition print (100 editions).
Existential advertising in Munich. Above quote from Werner Herzog. See the project page for more photos and download your own printable thought bubbles. I'll keep the project page updated with new photos as they appear.

Quote: Guy de Maupassant

Quote: Cormac McCarthy

Quote: Joseph Stalin

Quote: Plato