Surprisingly honest sign outside Sainsbury's. The only thing a corporation can ever proudly support is their ability to make profit. To them, social issues are merely PR opportunities to drive sales and enrich investors.
Particularly fucking annoying about the original sign is the tie-in with Sainsbury's 150 year anniversary, making it look like they've been supporting LGBT+ rights for 150 years.
I do some talking in this great short doc from Dog Section Films about subvertising. (21mins).
Also featuring: Jonathan Barnbrook, Dr. D, Hogre, Double Why, Lydia Dagostino, Protest Stencil, Sila Yucel and Special Patrol Group.
Music: Algiers, Biege Thickness, Jonny Drop.

Thanks again to Special Patrol Group for putting up my NUKE poster in bus stops around London recently. Check out all the other #SubvertTheCity interventions and get involved. In case anyone wants one I have limited edition prints of this poster available in my online shop it's also a fake ad in my Mini Daily Mail