The printers have refused to print my anti-army comic "having seen the content of your artwork".
This leaves me in a bit of a situation as they were the only printers I've been able to find who can print and fold an A5 20 page concertina booklet. I'm currently looking at French printers, as they're less likely to refuse a job on the grounds that it insults the British Army.
It is of course utterly maddening that a printer would refuse to print something they disagree with politically, but obviously I understand that legally and commercially they have right to decline whichever job they like. I do think however that this incident says something about the way people regard the army as an almost holy institution and therefore what I'm doing as a kind of blasphemy.
For now I've decided to put back the launch of the comic until the 26th of September. Hopefully I'll be able to sort something soon even if I have to fold each comic by hand.
If you happen to know a large format printer that might be able to help me on this please email me: darren@spellingmistakescostlives.com or leave a message in the comments. Thanks.