As Israel ramped up it's genocide in Gaza, bombing civilians indiscriminately and cutting off food and water to 2.2 million people, McDonalds in Israel gave out free food to soldiers doing the killing and offered a 50% discount to anyone taking part in the massacre.
In response, the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement called for a boycott of McDonald's. McDonalds Malaysia responded with a $1.3 million lawsuit against the BDS campaign.
The boycott has had a "meaningful" impact on McDonald's revenue according to their CEO.
A few days ago they launched their 'collaboration' with Stormzy, who seems to have deleted his pro-Palestine posts as part of the deal, and yesterday every McDonald's drive-thru in south London had these stickers on them.🔻
In the deleted Free Palestine post Stormzy had said:
"In the future, if there is ever a clear injustice in the world, no matter how big or small, 100 times out of 100 I will be on the side of the oppressed. Unequivocally."
Yet he has unequivocally sold his credibility to McDonalds to help them try and break the boycott.
Beyond the issue of Palestine, McDonald's is manipulatively using Stormzy's image to sell garbage food to working class kids. "Order like Stormzy' is about monetising a para-social relationship, subconsciously deceiving young people into thinking they can get closer to, or even become Stormzy, by putting their money into the pocket of McDonald's shareholders.
It's still possible for Stormzy to do the right thing. Cancel the deal and stand with Palestine. Leaving that much money on the table wouldn't be easy, but he is already a multi-millionaire, and an artist's credibility is worth far more than whatever McDonald's is willing to pay for it.
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