I'm fascinated by the idea of how the US/Israel relationship will be talked about historically in another 100 years or so (if we make it that far). You have what is for all intents and purposes, a US imperial colony in the Middle East. It serves US geopolitical and military interests in the region. They are the closest of allies. But Israel also has more spies in the US government and military than any other nation, it spends millions on interfering in US elections to push pro-Israel politicians who will back Israel no matter what the cost to their country or their party, Israel has even militarily attacked US forces in the region (USS Liberty) and murdered US citizens in Palestine without consequence.
American Evangelicals love Israel because they think all the Jews on Earth have to return to Israel so they can die in the apocalypse which will herald the return of Jesus. While Israeli Jewish supremacists believe their US Christian supporters are essentially heathen idol worshippers who are little more than pawns in God's plan for the glory of Greater Israel. It is perhaps the most berserk international relationship in history.
No matter who won the election the genocide was going to continue, but with Trump it will be even worse, if that's possible to imagine. Four more years of genocide, ethnic cleansing and military aggression from the Middle East's nuclear-armed US colony. Maybe liberals might stop making excuses for this horror now that Trump will be responsible for arming and enabling the carnage, rather than Biden/Harris. A sliver of a silver lining on a pit of horror and despair.