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It's taken ages but I think I've finally finished this map of US empire, charting US military and CIA foreign interventions since 1900, as well as US military bases and CIA torture black sites.

The information is based on various sources but primarily William Blum's brilliant book Killing Hope, which I highly recommend (the much shorter The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins

is also very good). I've made a spreadsheet listing information and links about all the interventions, which is intended as a jumping off point for anyone looking up any of these incidents (also embedded at the bottom of the page).

Close up of the Americas
Close up of the Americas

I had to leave out a lot of nefarious stuff or else it would never have been finished. From CIA assassinations that were not part of a coup, US-backed death squad massacres, to US government threats, sanctions and other forms of political pressure that have bent other nations to American's imperial will.

For kids growing up in the 80s and 90s we got sold a glittering story about American freedom and democracy, when in actual fact the real story of American power in the post-colonial period has been a fiercely anti-democratic, authoritarian nightmare, that has killed tens of millions of people, ravaged continents and, like other empires before it, left nations permanently destabilised, economies wrecked and environments devastated.

For decades I understood the story of the Cold War to be an ideological battle between capitalism and communism, but now I see it as a battle between newly independent ex-colonies and a burgeoning new empire that was determined to have access and control over their resources and markets, or else it would overthrow, invade and massacre anyone who got in their way. America's violence was not just against communists, but anyone who stood up for the rights of workers or the rights of nations to control their own natural resources. The friends of American Empire meanwhile, have consistently been neo-fascist dictators, terrorists and far-right death squads.

It's based on this 1886 map of the British Empire

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